Category Archives: Cartoons



I did not make this. I Googled "Invader Zim Mighty Need gif" and this was the first option.

…To make something RIDICULOUSLY glittery and blinged out. The only problem is that I don’t have any glitter. Or rhinestones. Or really, any plain whatever to then bling out. So what I really need is a cheap resource for rhinestones (plastic crap is TOTALLY fine for this project!) and glitter. I *do* have a couple ideas of what I *could* bling out. Here they are:

This would be done Dia de los Muertos style, with the rhinestones making the swirls and flowers.

I don’t really know which one I want to do. They’re all REALLY GOOD options. I think the jar would eventually turn into a bitty cute vase of some kind. I also have absolutely NO IDEA why I want to bling the hell out of something. If anyone has any ideas of other typical house type things, or things that could be cheaply obtained via thrift store or dollar store that I could attack with rhinestones and glitter, PLEASE HELP A GAL OUT!

I know I only have like 3 readers, but if y’all want to vote, please feel free! It might help me make up my mind. Otherwise I might go into a bling haze and the apartment might turn into a whirlwind of glitter. I don’t know how the SO would like that…. *sheepish grin*

THE cutest apple juice bottle, ever. Compliments of The Monster In Your Closet 🙂

Something cute I found on clearance at Michael's.

This. All the time.


My friend just emailed this to me, and I just had to share. It’s from a tumblr? blog? that takes excerpts from the Twilight books and points out their blaring grammatical, syntax, or just plain stupid mistakes and horrible writing. And it gives you excellent examples of why Darkwing Duck is THE BEST 90s CARTOON EVAR. (or at least why it’s in my top 5)

This. All the time.